
We assist Consulting & Software companies to swiftly secure clients

As dedicated consultants, our primary focus is propelling your business growth to new heights.

Let's embark on a journey to transform your leads into lasting partnerships and fuel your growth.

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Client-winning lead generation services for growing B2B companies

You can focus entirely on growing your business while we establish a steady flow of qualified business leads into your pipeline.
Lead research
We will find prospects, validate their data, and enrich existing lists with up-to-date info based on your requirements.
AI email automation
8x your outreach without cold calls or manual outreach. Hypercharge your sales team’s efficiency and fill your pipeline with vetted business leads.
Appointment setting
Increase conversion rates & ROI with specialized SDRs who have practical industry experience in your field.
Linkedin automation
Schedule more appointments by developing your brand and reach your ideal customers directly at scale.
Retargeting strategy
Nurture your outbound leads and schedule more appointments through other relevant platforms like Linkedin, Twitter & Meta.
Fill your pipeline with appointments, or don’t pay us a dime
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Discover the unique advantages
of choosing FMI


We will find prospects, validate their data, and enrich existing lists with up-to-date info based on your requirements.

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10x your outreach without cold calls or manual outreach. Hypercharge your sales team’s efficiency and fill your pipeline with vetted business leads.

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A-Z process of booking appointments with high lead-to-deal potential. Completely Done-For-You.

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Schedule more appointments by developing your brand and reach your ideal customers directly at scale.

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Nurture your outbound leads and schedule more appointments through other relevant platforms like Linkedin, Twitter & Meta.

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Increase conversion rates & ROI with specialized SDRs who have practical industry experience in your field.

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Get Started


See measurable results in under 30 days


Our streamlined onboarding process is designed to be time-efficient, taking no more than 30 minutes of your valuable time.


Clarifying your ideal customer, offer, messaging & setting up the technical infrastructure


Crafting the finest outreach system, catered specifically to your requirements – sit back and let us handle everything for you.


Constantly monitoring performance and meticulously optimizing every aspect of the system for peak efficiency.


We launch your campaigns and prepare to break boundaries


Receive our comprehensive bi-weekly outreach report, showcasing the immense value we bring to the table.

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about us

Is all this in line with GDPR?


We always have to work in line with GDPR. We know that some countries have different rules and restrictions. This is something a lead generation needs to know before starting cold emailing to prospects.

Where do you get the prospect’s information?


In outbound sales, we gather leads by exploring different websites like We prioritize privacy and compliance with data protection laws.

How many appointments can I expect per month?


The number of appointments you can secure per month as an outbound specialist varies. It depends on factors like the industry you're in, the quality of your leads, how well you target your audience, your experience, and the tools you use. Aim for achievable goals and adjust them based on your performance and industry norms. It's about finding what works best for you and refining your approach.

Why work with a lead generation company?


Working with a lead generation firm has significant advantages. It allows businesses to focus on what they do best while the partner takes care of filling the pipeline. Plus, it's often more cost-effective than building an in-house team from scratch, considering the resources and trial and error involved.

How do you make sure the appointments are qualified?


Qualified appointments are ensured through precise targeting, robust lead scoring, and continuous refinement. This meticulous strategy aligns each appointment with the client's ideal customer profile for optimal success.

How quickly can I expect results?


The speed of results for a client you work with varies. It depends on the industry, lead quality, product complexity, and how engaging your outreach is. Highly engaged clients and simpler products may see results faster, like 1-2 months. Communicate realistic timelines and emphasize that building a strong client base takes time and consistent effort for the best long-term outcomes.

Still have questions?

If you have more questions, please book a call and you will get the answers.